Youth RƎVO⅃ution



    Know how was our 2023

    We are delighted to announce that the report magazine of 2023 has been already released. In this publication, we have compiled all the most relevant activities, events and projects done during the last year. Through this report, we want to get people closer to the organisation, be transparent and share what we have done, who has supported us and to whom all our efforts have been made. As we mention in the report, everything that has been achieved would not…

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  • Yleinen

    Mid-term training at Sipoo

    Last week our volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps program participated in a two-day stage training camp at Sipoo. They shared their experiences and learnings with other volunteers who are across…

  • Yleinen

    Solidarity Padel Tournament

    Last Saturday, December 9th, from IYC Suomi we organized a Solidarity Padel Tournament. It was the first time that this was done from our organization and it was a total success.…

  • Yleinen

    Cooking For Others: Christmas Edition

    For another month, we have celebrated our Cooking For Others program with the students of The English School, who have generously participated with their cooking time. On this occasion they cooked…

  • Yleinen

    Christmas Gala 2023

    Last December 1st we celebrated in collaboration with Hanken University a solidarity Christmas Gala. The event aimed to promote the ”Share your Christmas” campaign and link people with it. At the…

  • Yleinen

    Maribel Paevere awarded Volunteer of the Year

    Our volunteer Maribel Paevere has been awarded Volunteer of the Year. This award is given by the organization Kansalaisareena, which focuses on promoting volunteering activities and creating nets of collaboration and…

  • Yleinen

    Share your Christmas 2023

    We have started a Christmas solidarity fundraising campaign to get funds for children at risk of poor and exclusion from Mexico and Peru. The project aims to use the collected money…

  • Yleinen

    Leadership Program: Who am I? First session

    Last Friday, Hanken University kicked off the leadership programme that IYC has organised together with this prestigious business school. With the aim of bringing young students closer to topics such as…